cross street: Cortland
ph. none
Map Visits: 1
Shrug: meat (7); beans (6)
Clang: no elements clanged
Intangibility bonus: 1 (of 2)
Imagine if the amiable lady inside the San Pancho's truck had not wrongly instructed Mister Slabmaker Fella to include sour cream in this burrito of considerable girth. Wrapped in a meanly grilled tortilla and only mildly unwieldy given its stocky dimensions, San Pancho's debut on our Mustache Chart was wisely mixed, admirably flavorful, and driven to greatness by all-melted cheese (and a hell of a lot of it). Spice-tension was ever-present but never particularly prominent throughout, and the whole hot mess was well-sauced, with a full complement of veggie action — pico de gallo, bitchin' guacamole, jalapeño — demanding a nine-mustache salute. Seemed like the burrito could have done with a bit more chicken, and the beans that purported to be refrieds really turned out to be whole pintos...but other than that and the unfortunate/unwanted inclusion of sour cream (which thankfully only scuzzed a small handful of bites, but still earned a single-mustache intangibility demerit), we had no truck with this truck's otherwise strong burritowork.